

Utility functions for the wannier_quality method of the spinWannier.WannierTBmodel.WannierTBmodel class.



Compare the DFT and Wannierized band structures at the exact k-points.

duplicate_kpoints_for_home_made(data, NK)

Duplicate also the last k-point (in dictionary the keys are unique, so actually the data in the dictionaries where keys are k-points contain only one of each k-point, so if k-path starts and ends with the same k-point, only the first one is recorded.


Return number of kpoints from bands calculation from OUTCAR.


Get the energy of the target_band at the target_kpoint from the EIGENVAL file.


Extract Fermi energy from the DOSCAR file.


Get the Fermi energy from the self-consistent calculation and correct it so that the band at the target_kpoint and target_band is at the same energy in the non-self-consistent calculation.


Get the frozen window min and max from the wannier90.win file.

integrate_error(error_by_energy[, E_min, E_max])

Integrate the error in 'f_name_in' in the energy range [E_min, E_max] included.

parse_eigenval_file(fin[, spin])

Parse the EIGENVAL file and return the kpoints, bands, number of kpoints, and number of bands.

plot_err_vs_bands(kpoints, kpath, ...[, ...])

Output a figure with RMSE_E, RMSE_Sx, RMSE_Sy, and RMSE_Sz-projected band structure.

plot_err_vs_energy(error_by_energy, Ef[, ...])

Plot the error vs.

wannier_quality_calculation(kpoint_matrix, ...)

Calculate the quality of the Wannierization.